馬藍屬(學名:Strobilanthes)也稱紫雲菜屬,是爵床科下的一個屬。該屬共有約430種,分布於南亞、東南亞、及昆士蘭州一帶 。 原板藍屬(Baphicacanthus)現已併入馬藍屬 。 屬名Strobilanthes源於希臘語strobilos(球果)和anthos(花)的合成詞,指本屬植物花序幼年期呈球果狀。
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《白虎通義》四卷,漢班固撰。《隋書·經籍誌》載《白虎通》六卷,不著撰人。 《唐書·藝文誌》載《白虎通義》六卷,始題班固之名。《崇文總目》載《白虎通德論》十卷,凡十四篇。 陳。
Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are too large or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form, since to do so would require writing out an inconveniently long string of digits. It may be referred to as scientific form or standard index form, or standard form in the United Kingdom. This base ten notation is commonly used by scientists, mathematicians, and engineers, in part because it can simplify certain arithmetic operations. On scientific calculators, i…
一般來說, 屬虎和屬雞的人比較配 比平均水平高,所以你與老虎的相處可能比與其他人相處得更好。 雞和虎的愛情兼容性:出生年份. 如果你是屬雞的,你可能出生在以下農曆。
Music video by Kelly Chen performing Zui Jia Wei Zhi (Music Video). © 2004 Go East Entertainment Company Ltd.http://vevo.ly/0UaPsQ
星辰 名字